Wednesday 28 January 2009

Presentation Pitch

On 27th of Tuesday, our group was required to present the two analysis of a film opening, the mood board and our film opening's synopsis.

We managed to get through all the criteria except the mood board as we had technical difficulties with the pictures appearing. So instead we decided to present our storyboard and explain our synopsis from there.

The feedback we received:


- Good setting for genre
- Good camera work ideas for opening project.
- Detailed description of story idea
- A twist convention for plot (guys after the girl)
- Relevant films for analysis
- Happy to interact with audience *thumbs up*
- Gave explanations for why they included those ideas


- No mood board :(
- Didn't explain the genre we were doing at the beginning
- Went off track with the analysis. (Not the opening sequences of the film)



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