Wednesday 14 January 2009

Possible Ideas (Production company logo)

The thinking behind this logo was initially this style because we were doing a RomCom aimed at a Teenage based audience as the theme would be fairly "low brow". This is because it is aimed at a teenage audience who would be of a level that could be considered low brow.

This idea was based around conventions that would be apparent in most real production companies. This was based around the idea of conjuring up happy memories.

This idea was our old production company name and I thought it would be interesting to see how it looked.

No Exit is a symbol on a t-shirt I was wearing at the time and I adapted it to look more and more like a classic production company logo.

Insomnia is the name of a party I went to a few months ago and I thought that the name would be fun to make in to a logo.

Wild Hog is the name of the film I was watching when I decided to draw this logo, also it is an image that I have drawn many times before.

Backwards is a song that I was listening to and so therefore chose to take its name and draw it as a logo.

I chose to draw this as I thought it would be interesting to experiment with words that have the same letters in as other words that when combined make an interesting phrase.

Blue flash is the name of the company I worked for until they lost all their money and went bankrupt.

Homesick Angel is an idea I came up with as I was watching James Mays 20th century. He was flying a euro jet and he was quoted as saying that it "flies like a homesick angel"

I came up with this idea whilst I was playing around with the idea of photographs edited in Photo shop.

This is the idea we eventually chose as we felt that it was the one that most represented our group dynamic.

We chose to take the paint splodge idea out of this picture and incorporate it to the childish inc writing from the picture above and put it on the paint splodge.



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