Wednesday 7 January 2009

Genre selection

The 5 scenarios given to us were:
- Supernatural thriller with a strong female lead
- A British social realist drama
- An adventure story for younger audiences
- A teenage romantic comedy
- A crime caper with an ensemble cast.

We chose the teenage romantic comedy because we felt that that the other options had problems that we felt we would struggle to overcome. The supernatural genre was our second option but we felt that we would be heavily relying on props and this could potentially cause problems if the suitable props could not be found. We felt that the British social realist drama was also unsuitable because it would be difficult to act out. The adventure story for younger audiences would be best created with a child playing the protagonist and as we do not have a younger sibling this would also be an unsuitable option. We chose not to do a crime caper with an ensemble cast because we could not think of any satisfactory ideas. We therefore chose the teenage romantic comedy because we could get the actors easily, not many props would be needed and we could set it within locations the whole group can get to. An example for our setting would be our own college, making filming very convenient.



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